Event organizing and curating experience include film screenings, poetry readings, theater productions, and staff retreats. Past clients include: Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival, Arts Council for Long Beach (2x grant recipient), Great Leap Inc, Jobs to Move America, and many more.

*All flyers created by June Kaewsith

From 2015 - 2017, I served as the annual curator and host of Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival's Youth Media Program: From Vision to Reel, where I aim to select films that highlight underrepresented stories captured by Asian American and Pacif…

From 2015 - 2017, I served as the annual curator and host of Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival's Youth Media Program: From Vision to Reel, where I aim to select films that highlight underrepresented stories captured by Asian American and Pacific Islander youth and recruited community organizations to act as co-sponsors.


If Hollywood doesn't tell our stories, then who will?

We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Write here...

Write here...

"The purpose of these events is to create an opportunity for emerging and accomplished artists of Southeast Asian (Cambodian, Thai, Lao, Hmong, Vietnamese, etc) descent to share their work in a safe and supportive environment, and to expand people’s perception of 'Asian America' that goes beyond East Asian narratives. We aim to inspire audience members to own their story and share it through creative outlets as a way to educate others of our unique and intersecting identities." - June Kaewsith

Introductory Workshop for "The Air We Breathe" (March 2014) to discuss Long Beach's air quality | Culminated in a large public performance with community members as performers. Video of final performance can be seen here.

Introductory Workshop for "The Air We Breathe" (March 2014) to discuss Long Beach's air quality | Culminated in a large public performance with community members as performers. Video of final performance can be seen here.

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“The true artist, however, is a truth teller who has the ability see reality untainted by cultural filters. Artists can shake us out of the cultural trance that leads us to consume harmful products, play the mark in Wall Street con games, and support corrupt politicians. Talented artists can help us see beauty, meaning, and possibility where it may otherwise escape our attention. They can take us on an imaginary journey to a future no one has yet visited to experience possibilities we may not have imagined. Our movement needs the contribution of millions of artists devoted to liberating human consciousness.”
- Excerpt from article “Are You a Cultural Worker?”