An infant boat refugee with dysentery and rickets becomes the only surviving child on a grueling 8 months on a boat, lands in the USA with no money, and overcomes poverty and racism to become a "successful" doctor. But what does success mean, and are doctors absolved from healing? We talk about:

  • Being a healer on your own terms

  • What medical school does not teach about wellness

  • Epigenetics and tapping into the resilience of our DNA



  • “So many people look at the life of a doctor and say, ‘Okay, this guy really knows how to heal.’ But it was a lot of healing I had to do on myself to really get to a space that you currently see me in.”

  • “I was born in Vietnam right after the Vietnam war and in 1978, we escaped the country by boat with 2,000 other people crammed on a boat in sardines… I had dysentery and nearly died. We were docked on the shore of a Philippines refugee camp, and fortunately I survived. We spent 8 months on the boat, and after some time in the Philippines camp we were sponsored by a Catholic Church. When we grew up, i remember growing up and knowing I was an immigrant. I didn’t have what other people had on TV. “

  • “There was a lot of shame growing up as an immigrant, as an Asian, as a smaller kid. When I was 8 years old, i was tested as highly gifted so I got bussed to a very affluent area and then i started to notice more differences. The parents who drove nice cars, people didn’t have holes in their clothes like I had, and I remember shopping at a place called Pic n’ Save and people were laughing at me. I remember my background and who I was, I couldn’t own. Because if I owned that, it meant that I was this inferior thing.”

  • “I was not American enough, not white enough, not tall enough, not good-looking enough. So what I did was I put up a shell to hide all this ‘not enough-ness’. I was a bright personality and I did well in school, and I ended up picking a profession that was highly respected and became this doctor.”

  • “Being a doctor has been great to be able to contribute to people’s lives, but I got to a point 6-7 years into my practice… I became the chief of interventional oncology in my hospital. It was the pinnacle of my career, but inside i was falling apart. I was overweight. I became diabetic. I had high blood pressure. I wasn’t sleeping very well. I developed all of these chronic diseases I had to eventually treat, and I looked at my life and thought, ‘Wow, this is not what I signed up for.’ I spent so much time becoming successful in the eyes of other people that I forgot who i was authentically.”

  • “If we can tap into who we authentically are and live that life, then the other diseases actually just melt away. Chronic physical disease, a lot of that can be shifted through thought and mindset and owning who you are.”

  • “When we are who we are meant to be, there are things that happen in our genes and DNA that help us live longer.”

  • “We were not taught in (medical) school what healing really is. We weren’t taught how to care of ourselves. It was a badge of honor you had to go through multiple nights without sleep. You weren’t taught nutrition. A lot of this stuff, many of us had to learn on our own. Some of us look at physicians and see a relatively obese person trying to give medical advice and I don’t blame them for not having optimal health because we weren’t necessarily taught that. We were taught how to treat symptoms and conditions with medications and surgeries. Don’t get me wrong, I believe in them in such a way that if the lifestyle changes dont work, and if you’re coming in to the office, your blood pressure is 200 or above, we need to give you medicine to calm everything down. We have to put a band-aid on it. But let’s just know that those are bandaids, and that true healing is more of those lifestyle change. Do you know yourself? Are you really living the life that you’re meant to live?”

  • “Only less than 5% of most diseases have a genetic component. The fact of the matter is, it’s actually the things on the outside and all these environments that control gene expression. Information that feeds the DNA includes what we’re eating, whether or sleeping or exercising, and how we deal with stress. So all these things are inputs into our DNA and all those things, we can actually control.”

  • “If you live in such a way that is where you’re looking after your health, sleep, diet and all these things, you can actually reverse those odds because it’s your environment more than what you’re given with that determines your health.”

  • “There is greatness in our genetic code. Listen to your body.”

  • “Your feelings are your own body’s GPS as to who you’re meant to be in the world.”

  • “I believe that we are born with greatness. Greatness is in our DNA, and when we choose to be that version of ourselves, when we choose that, there are things that happen in our DNA that make you live longer and have better health. So it’s remembering that you already have it. It’s in your blood.”

  • “Just YOU IT.”

additional resources:

Video: Dr. Kien’s YouTube Channel
Video: Dr. Kien Vuu on Epigenetics - America Trends
Video: “Live Again Project” on ABC News

Follow kien:

FB, IG, YouTube, Twitter: @kienvuumd

#kienvuumd #youareyourbestmedicine #epigenetics #youit



An infant boat refugee with dysentery and rickets becomes the only surviving child on a grueling 8 months on a boat, lands in the USA with no money, and overcomes poverty and racism to become a "successful" doctor.

I found myself at 38 years old, in a private practice, and as Chief of Interventional Oncology in my hospital.

Unexpected things in my life start falling apart.  I became a doctor who was giving medical advice and was suffering health problems I created on my own.  I was working long hours and taking prescription sleep medications in order to fall asleep every night.  I was overweight, diabetic, and exhausted on every level. I thought achieving the American Dream was all I was going to need to make me happy. But the truth is, I was miserable.

After hitting my personal bottom, I started to look for what was truly going to make me happy. I began a journey of self-healing and personal development and rediscovered how to be more authentic, more vulnerable, and owning my true inner power.  

During this journey, I’ve come across patients who reverse their diseases without any aid of conventional medicine.  Many of these “miraculous” recoveries occurred with shifts in thought and mindset, exercise, stress control, diet changes, futuristic “biohacking,” and other alternative therapies.  My mission is to empower people to reclaim their healing powers so that that they can live a long and healthy life, and share their purpose and gifts with the world.  


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