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Yoni Health & Wellness

Did you know that the choices you make now will manifest in your uterus as you grow older? This goes way beyond diet, but the thoughts you consume and the environment you're in. That's why I'm super excited to bring my sister Monisha Colon Hydrotherapist of Moya Body-Care to share her work around uterine health, especially through healing the gut. I've also been overwhelmed by the number of detox programs available, but Monisha gets straight to the point and caters to each body type.

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$25 for 3 hours worth of information that could save your life vs a $10,000 hospital bill. We'll just be scratching the surface, but it's a start. :)

Yoni = Sanskrit word for "sacred place", a flower to bloom, the beginning of consciousness, portal into the cosmos, or more commonly known to westerners as "Vulva". 

Join Monisha Colon Hydrotherapist (Owner of Moya Body-Care) andJune Kaewsith (aka Jumakae) for a deep dive into womb wellness. This workshop is about prevention as well as alternative remedies to soothe common symptoms. We will dive into root causes of our imbalances and share our personal journeys of healing.

Topics to be explored include: 
-Identifying spiritual + physical imbalances
-Cysts, fibroids, endometriosis, hysterectomies
-What your discharge is trying to tell you
-Energy transference: Is this my trauma?
-Connection between the Colon and the Uterus
-Self care tips: Meditation/Movement, Journaling, Cleansing Herbs

This workshop is open to all bodies with a uterus. Bring your notebooks and an openness to ask questions! 

*Note: If there are any questions you'd like to ask privately, please PM either one of us so we can better serve you.

To reserve your spot, please send $25 to venmo @jumakae, or

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