Indigenous midwives and bodyworkers all around the world are being criminalized for their traditional practices due to lack of access to educational institutions, but Panquetzani is creating a movement to bring back this ancestral medicine - in the heart of Los Angeles.


*The last ten minutes of this interview is also a guided meditation.


  • “The way that we learn from modern western society is through institutionalized education, and that form of education is very based on having a set of things that people think that you should be able to know within a certain amount of time, and doing those things. And the way that I learned, there was no test, there was no ‘You know know this, you should know that’... It was stepping up to my community’s demands and then embodying it that started from a very early age. It was an apprenticeship that I wasn’t even aware of… A lot of parteras, a lot of midwives, a lot of traditional body workers talk about how they are called to this medicine, and how traditionally it comes through dreams or through the appointment of your community. Your community sees that you’re good at it and the say, ‘You have to take this road because it’s what we need.’ With folks living post-colonization, the need for this medicine is crucial to our survival and our wellness.”

  • “I was hard for me to say that I was worth charging for, and then I have a whole history from a young age doing indigenous rights work and being an activist and community organizer, and hearing my folks, my tribe, be like ‘so and so is a sellout. You can’t charge for sacred medicine.’ But just because it’s sacred medicine doesn’t mean I can’t eat, it doesn’t mean i can’t give my children the education that they deserve. It doesn’t mean that i don’t deserve healthcare. I deserve to be well, just as you deserve to be well. And right now we’re in this colonized, oppressive situation of colonialism and capitalism and ‘how do I navigate that with integrity? How do I say, let me heal you? But I can’t even heal myself… After a while, you, having your hands giving giving giving becomes depleted.”

  • “That anger, that bitterness, that frustration, gave me the will power to be like, ‘I’m not doing anything for anybody anymore unless I’m getting fed also.’ And to create that boundary, that hard line.”

  • “I was working for minimum wage, but it was still a win.”

  • “What if we voted with our dollars? Let me investing in the healers in my community be a radical testament to that.”

  • “I’m able to offer to my community what I wish I had for myself.”

Instagram:  @indigemama



Panquetzani honors the over 4,000 year-old traditions of her foremothers and integrates her 16 years of study into her practice. She comes from a matriarchal family of folk healers, growing up with bedtime stories of magic, miracles, and deep transformation. These impactful narratives have led Panquetzani to believe that all people have innate wisdom that can revolutionize their own well-being and that of their families. As a holistic womb counselor, complete wellness coach, traditional birth attendant, and foundress of Indigemama: Ancestral Healing, her goal is to support, educate, inspire, and gently guide her clients and students. On her days off, you’ll find Panquetzani fermenting, writing, preparing herbs, playing music, and exploring nature with her sons.

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