Painful sex. Peeing in pants while coughing, laughing, running, or sneezing. Incontinence pads. Back pain. Feelings of heaviness and discomfort. Common symptoms of what happens postpartum, to the point where this pain has been normalized. But it doesn’t have to be. Although Wendy was a personal trainer, the skills she was taught were not serving her clients that were mothers - and then she had her own traumatic birth experience that landed her in a helicopter for emergency care. Today, Wendy is the founder and CEO of world best-selling postpartum recovery program MUTU® System and accredited education provider MUTU Pro.
In this talk, we cover:
De-stigmatizing conversations about pelvic pain
Why the gym is NOT the answer to reclaiming your body
Challenging western beauty standards and ideal body types
Self-love as the missing exercise regimen!
Why EVERY body deserves a body that works
One winner will be selected for the mutu system kit, a $97 value.
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“Pelvic floor problems have been normalized when it shouldn’t be. We can do something about that and we don’t have to put up with that.”
“Mutu system was born as being underserved as a new mother. When I was pregnant with my first, I was a personal trainer in London. I looked and felt like I had it all worked out. I felt ashamed and being broken, and like my body had failed. I felt like my body had failed (at giving birth). I had not been able to do the most basic female function properly, and i felt ashamed and broken. And it took me quite a long time to come through that. Less than two years later, i found myself in the same situation after my son was born. I was rushed to the hospital in a helicopter…”
“I realized that the fitness industry I was in was just not serving women at this time, because why on Earth was I feeling like this? I had just survived, i had just given birth, my body had done all these badass things and yet i felt like a total failure. We should be feeling our most fertile, strong, and incredible - and they don’t. So many mothers are feeling ashamed and broken and hide their bodies like nothing feels right, and they feel like that’s just how it’s supposed to be. So i created Mutu because we needed to reframe our feelings about our stories.”
“We cannot strengthen a part of our body that we stopped talking to, and we stop talking to stuff we don’t like. If we don’t like the way it looks and feels, and many many women don’t like the way everything ‘down there’ looks and feels, so we switch off… Women are cutting off from their bodies for weeks and months and years, and so when you cut off, when you don’t like something, when you don’t take care of it (cuz why take care of something that you don’t respect or you feel failed you), why bother? It’s not worth it. And there will often be this feeling from women who will look at other women who appear to be fit or trained or whatever, and it’s like, ‘Oh, she’s got a body that deserves that kind of care, but my body doesn’t deserve that. It’s not good enough for that. Hers does what it’s supposed to do, mine doesn’t.’ So when we don’t care for something, we don’t take care of it. And when we don’t care for something, we can’t fix it.“
“So you can go to pilates class and engage with it for hours on and it’s not going to work because you’ve disconnected. Your heart and mind are not talking to your muscles, and so what I did with Mutu and what we do with Mutu is to back up, back up, and back up again and never mind the exercises. Let’s just sit and breathe, and find all the parts of our body that we have forgotten about, don’t like, don’t love anymore, have disconnected from - we find that. Because until we find them, we can’t even think about whatever engaging them means - or let alone strengthening them. So many women are jumping straight to punishing their body, they’re coming out post childbirth and going straight to crossfit, exercise, and they’re doing it to punish the body that they don’t like right now. So they’re not doing it out of love or nurturing or nourishment. It’s being done out of punishment, and that’s that whole dynamic which I’m passionately a stand for us changing. To back up, reconnect love it again, and take it forward from there.”
“More and more, I think, ‘What an utter, horrific, waste of energy. All this striving to look a certain way… It’s like the anti-aging thing. No, I’m good with my age, thank you very much. Why do i want to look younger? I’ve been younger.”
“You deserve the body that makes you feel good. We deserve to have pleasurable sex lives. We deserve to feel confident when we walk into a room. There’s too many women walking into a room feeling like, ‘Don’t see me’ - and we deserve better than that because we’ve got so much to contribute, so much to do, and it saddens me that there are so many women wasting so much precious, precious energy and strength in worrying about the way that their body looks or not feeling good about it. You deserve a body that works. You deserve a body that feels good. If you don’t believe it now, just keep saying it until you do.”
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WENDY POWELL is a globally recognised leading voice on body confidence and body positivity. Author, international speaker, award winning entrepreneur and certified exercise specialist, she is founder and CEO of world best-selling postpartum recovery programme MUTU® System and accredited education provider MUTU Pro.
Wendy’s work is grounded in her belief that ‘every woman deserves the dignity of a body that works and that makes her feel good’. Her technical expertise, engaging coaching and evidence-based practical strategies ensure that true body confidence is an achievable reality.
MUTU System is an award-winning restorative online exercise programme and thriving community of more than 50,000 women worldwide and is medically recommended by respected women’s pelvic health specialists.
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