Paintings available via commission only. Please contact me for rates.


"On March 8th, 2013 - 22 teenagers were given a special private tour of Sony Pictures Studios. It was a thrilling experience for them to get to see the studio lot.

The next day, Create Now arranged for more than 40 Sony Pictures Emerging Professionals to help around 45 of these youth to paint diverse murals on different sides of the 18-acre Vista Del Mar campus in Culver City. These kids are mostly in foster care and/or the probation system.

Artist June Kaewsith led one Create A Mural Now workshop that has the theme of "Healthy Lifestyles." The project consists of 13 large wood panels that line the walls around the barbeque patio between the Teen Lounge and the Game Room. June had previously met with the kids so they could draw their designs of the fruits, vegetables, flowers and other images that are depicted in their mural. "

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In the summer of 2012, I received the opportunity to work on a community mural project with the women and children of the Long Beach Rescue Mission. 

To read my blogs about this process, click the links below:

Mural Project: Day 1 (The Lydia Tree)
Mural Project: Day 2 (Circle Painting)
Mural Project: Day 3-8 (Metamorphosis)
Mural Project: Final Day (Unveiling!)
CREATE NOW Reflection

Thanks to Create Now, a great non-profit based in Los Angeles that aims to transform the lives of youth in need through arts mentoring and experiences. Project sponsored by Boeing.