TedX Made a Mistake

Hi ,

Do you ever fear of being caught as a fraud?

Three weeks before my Tedx talk, I could have sworn that the organizers made the wrong choice in accepting me to speak on their stage.

"What have I done?! Surely they made a mistake."

My speech was nonexistent, though I knew that the story was somewhere in my bones.

How do I take my big message of "How to Connect with Your Ancestors" and condense it into ten minutes without sounding like a New Age hippy with no credibility or scientific facts to back my claim?

It was then I called my soul sisters on a similar path of reclamation to gather their ideas. My herbalist friend Nicole Rossi (@rootedinspirit on IG), asked me if my experience of traveling back to the motherland was as anti-climactic as hers.

Did my ancestors suddenly drop from the heavens to deliver me the answers I've been praying for?

Nope. In fact, I remember being eager to come back home to the United States where I missed the familiarity of my neighborhood and friends!

We both laughed and spoke about how we are finding our own ways to reconnect, without feeling like traveling to our "roots" was the only way. (Not everyone has the privilege to go back, either.) And just like that, after nearly a month of staring blankly at my computer screen, the words flowed like water from my fingertips within a day. 

Do you tend to overthink yourself out of action?


If it weren't for wellness partners like Nicole Rossi, I would still be staring at a blank page.

If it weren't for my mentor, motivational speaker Lisa Nichols (from the Law of Attraction documentary "The Secret), I would never have even considered speaking at TedX.

If it weren't for my business coach, Shereen Sun, I wouldn't have created Your Story Medicine and followed through with it. 

Energy flows where attention goes. You are the sum of the people you surround yourself with, and I can honestly say that my growth has been the result of investing in individuals and communities who keep inspiring me to play big, even when it feels terrifying.

The more you allow yourself to receive, the more you're able to pour onto others.

We tend to wait until we're perfect or that we're supposed to have it all figured out before we share our medicine, but the medicine is actually in being able to share what we are learning. 
(Often times, the learning is actually remembering what you already know and then implementing it!)

So if you've been feeling stuck, find a wellness partner, mentor, or coach.

You can try to figure everything out by yourself, but it's SO MUCH better having a community who is invested in each other's growth and success.

June KaewsithComment